Haven on Earth Animal League
Pet Education
Introducing Your New Pet | Declawing | FIV | Diarrhea in Cats and Kittens
Introduce Your New Pet
Congratulations on your new family member! We want to ensure that the transition is as smooth as possible for everyone. So we recommend the following steps when introducing your new pet to your family and the household:
Place the carrier in a master bath or small room and shut the door. Leave the carrier closed for a short time, to allow the cat to calm down after the car ride.
After a short time, open the door of the carrier, and allow the cat to come out into the room on his/her own terms.
Remember to put food, water, a litter box and some toys in the room with the cat.
Keep the cat in the small room for a few days. Make sure you go in there several times a day and give him/her lots of attention in that room.
When the cat is comfortable with that room, and with you, then you can open the door of the room to allow him/her to again come out on his/her own terms.
The cat will be nervous once the door is open and will cautiously investigate it.
Usually their curiosity gets the better of them, and they will begin to explore.
If something frightens the cat and it runs back into the room, that’s okay. Just be patient, he/she will come back out. At this point, that room is their safe space.
Haven on Earth Animal League does NOT endorse the practice of declawing cats and kittens. We view this procedure as extremely painful and unnecessary, and are striving to educate the public regarding this practice.
We recommend other alternatives to declawing, such as: nail trimming, scratching posts, nail caps and training. You can lure your kitty to the scratching post with cat nip, toys and positive reenforcement.
There are several great articles regarding declawing that we have linked to under our Blogroll below. Please take a few minutes to read them and understand what it involves so you can make an educated decision.
Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, FIV, is an immune disorder that is mostly spread through deep bite wounds of fighting cats. It is also believed that it is rarely passed from mothers to their babies.
Many people overreact when they hear a positive result for FIV. The test simply means that the cat’s immune system is producing the antibodies. It does not mean that the cat is currently ill. Most FIV positive cats lead normal, long lives. The virus can make it more difficult for a cat’s immune system to fight off other viruses. So the cat will need to monitored, and taken to a vet as soon as any signs of an illness present themselves.
A positive result for FIV should never be a reason for euthanizing the cat, unless there is a secondary illness that can’t be treated successfully .
We have linked some articles under our blogroll, below, that can help you understand this virus, and why it bears watching but not euthanasia.
Diarrhea in Cats and Kittens
Many different things can cause an occasional bout of diarrhea in cats and kittens.
1. A change in food or water can cause temporary stomach upset.
2. Stress plays a big role in stomach upset with cats.
3. Intestinal parasites can also cause diarrhea in cats.
We have found that a little pumpkin mixed in with a cat’s food can do wonders for occasional diarrhea.
1. Mix a teaspoon of pumpkin into a can of wet cat food. A word of caution though, too much pumpkin can also cause diarrhea. 2. If the diarrhea persists or becomes liquid, stop the pumpkin and contact your vet.
If your cat or kitten has liquid diarrhea and is not eating or drinking for more than one day, a visit to your veterinarian must be done.
They can become dehydrated very quickly, and once they become dehydrated, many other complications can quickly occur.